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What is permanent makeup?

This cosmetic tattoo  uses pigments that are inserted into the skin with a needle, resulting in long-lasting makeup that can endure for years. Whether your looking for an effortless everyday look or glam look for a special occasion, permanent makeup is the solution you've been searching for


How long does it last?

If you are considering getting permanent makeup, you may be wondering how long it will last. Well, it really depends on a few factors, like where you are getting it done, your skin type, the products used on your skin, the amount of sun exposure you have to even the type of pigments used. On average, you can expect your new look to stay fresh for up to 2-3 years. You may need a touch up in between so just in keep in mind that everyone's experience may vary


Is PMU safe?

When performed by a trained & experienced professional, permanent makeup is generally considered safe. However, as with any cosmetic procedure, there are some risks involved, such as infection & allergic reactions. It is important to choose a reputable and licensed pmu artists and to follow the aftercare instructions carefully to avoid risks


Does PMU hurt?

A topical numbing is applied to the area before and during the procedure so there will be little to absolutely no discomfort what's so ever.


Can i choose the color and shape of my brows?

Yes, for the most part. After the area is mapped, your artist will go over the shape with you to make any adjustments. It can be customized to suit your individual needs and preferences. You artist will work with you to choose the right color for your skin tone, facial features and persoanl style.


How do I prepare for my PMU appointment?

Before your PMU appointment it is important to avoid any alcohol, aspirin, other blood thinning medications and caffein for at least 24 hours.

You should avoid chemical peels, tanning beds & microdermabrasion for at least a week prior to your appointment.


What is the recovery process like?

After your procedure, it is important to keep the area clean and dry for atleast a week. You should avoid touching and scratching the area and avoid sun exposure, water and sweat as much as possible. Your PMU artist will provide you with aftercare and go through with you what to expect over the next few weeks. Remember to always trust the process.


Can I wear makeup over my pmu?

Yes, you can wear makeup over the area but is recommended you wait until the area is fully healed. The aftercare instructions provided will go through all you do's and dont's


How often do I need touch ups?

This can vary depending on your skin type and the part being treated. In general, touch-ups are done annually to keep them always looking fresh and new


Can anyone get PMU ?

There are a few things to consider. Whilst it is pretty safe, there are some people who might not be the best candidates. That included women - who are pregnant or nursing,

- diabetic or have any heart problems,

- have had an organ transplant

- who are using Accutane

- suffer from psoriasis or other skin irritants

- who are unwell with anything viral,

- who have a history of keloids

- who have had any Botox in the last 2 months,

- epileptic

- currently doing any kind of chemotherapy treatment (unless has a note by their doctor giving them the all clear)

- suffer from any immune diseases


Is there any downtime after my PMU appointment?

While there may be some redness and swelling immediately following the procedure, there is typically no significant downtime required. You are able to resume your normal activities the very next day.


What should I expect during my PMU appointment?

During the PMU appointment, you will have a consultation with your artists to discuss your desired look and choose the best color and shape for your skin tone and facial features.

The procedure itself typically takes between 1 to 4 hours, depending on the area to be treated. A topical numbing is applied to the areaand then the mapping takes place. Once both the artist and yourself are happy with the shape the procedure begins.


What should I expect during my PMU appointment?

During the PMU appointment, you will have a consultation with your artists to discuss your desired look and choose the best color and shape for your skin tone and facial features.

The procedure itself typically takes between 1 to 4 hours, depending on the area to be treated. A topical numbing is applied to the areaand then the mapping takes place. Once both the artist and yourself are happy with the shape the procedure begins.


How is Lip Blushing done?

Lip blushing is done with a fine, small needle which is used with a specialized machine to deposit, pigment into the lips carefully and precisely. When performing any pmu service a topical and secondary numbing are always applied.


Is lip blush painful?

You may experience some discomfort during the procedure. Again numbing is applied throughout the entire process so the pain or discomfort is completely minimized if not completely non existent. There maybe some swelling for some clients and the feeling of tenderness which is completely normal and will have gone by the next day.


What is the aftercare for lip blushing or ombre powder brows?

After the procedure you will be given aftercare and instructions on how to take care of your new set of brows or lips. It is super important to follow these instructions as it will lead your healed results not looking the way they should or worse, infections.

For the1st 24 hours you must avoid getting these areas wet. For lip blushing you must avoid spicy foods, wines and hot drinks. You must keep brows and lips moisturized especially leading up to and through out the 'scabbing stage' with the ointment provided. AVOID picking your lips and or brows at all costs. No blistex and any medicated must be used on your lips until the scabbing has completely finished.


Can ombre brows or lip blush be removed if I dont like it?

You can have these procedures removed by tattoo laser removal. 


Can you have fillers and lip blush?

Yes! Fillers do not interfere with the process of lip tattooing. Please note lip filler and lip blushing must be 4 weeks apart from each other.

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